Friday, March 26, 2010

Future Travels

Quite frankly, I doubt anyone still checks this so I decided I'd use it to jot down some notes on plans for future travels. It comes in waves, but I find myself regularly consumed with a desire to return to Europe and eventually to travel to other continents such as hopefully visiting co-creator of this blog, Mickey Dooley, who is currently in Paraguay. ( Hopefully I'll be there in the early months of 2011.

Ideally, if and when I make these future trips, the blog will gain new life as the current post is no indication of future regular updates to come as this will remain a blog simply related to travel. Dooley has mentioned a possible return to Europe after his trip in the summer of 2012. I'm not sure of his level of commitment to this, but I will plan accordingly just as he did when I committed to our Euro trip while heavily intoxicated after a day of Bar Scrambling in Champaign.

As far as my future European travels, below are some of the places I'd like to go that I can think of off the top of my head.

Possible Future Euro Destinations:
- Switzerland (Geneva, Interlaken)
- Netherlands (Amsterdam)
- Greece (Santorini, Athens)
- Germany (Berlin)
- Czech Republic (Prague) - (I know I've already been, but I loved it and want to see it in the summer some time)
- France (Paris)
- England (London)
- Scotland (Edinburgh)
- Austria (Vienna)
- Ireland (Dublin)
- Italy (Rome, Firenze, Pisa)
- Spain (Madrid)
- Wales (Cardiff)
- Slovakia
- Hungary

Yes I know the list is long, but I'm 22. Hopefully I can make it happen.

The picture at the top is from a book I just ordered the other day that I am eagerly awaiting its arrival. Updates to this list are likely after reading/viewing this book.