Thursday, October 13, 2011

Announcement Time

We here at Stories for Stojic are excited to make another major announcement that will certainly bring a welcome distraction to your otherwise endless, depressing cycle of 9-5s. As this blog is dedicated to traveling adventures, and I myself will not be doing any significant traveling until late December, that can only mean that we have been able to add new writers to our staff. These new writers have been friends and more importantly travelers for quite some time, and we are excited (and admittedly nervous) about the new direction they may choose to take the blog.

I have put off making the announcement long enough, so here goes: I would like to formally introduce our newest writers, the future Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Walters (unless Allie pulls some feminist new age bullshit and keeps her own last name, very frowned upon, might as well tell Dan you hate him and get a prenup). The recently engaged couple will be leaving for Italy this afternoon and sharing their journey with the blog. Clearly this is a new direction from the blog, especially early posts about blacking or browning out, 4am KFC parties in Prague, and general immature male shenanigans. Quite frankly, we really don’t know what to expect at all, but we are always willing to explore new directions and see how our reader(s) respond. Expect more maturity and more love of a heterosexual nature.

I would like to think that I have already had some impact on the future posts from Dan and Allie, as this trip very likely could have been the time when Dan and Allie got engaged. Although this would have been great for the blog and could have brought in serious Kardashians level advertising money, I encouraged Dan not to propose on this trip, as the idea of carrying and hiding this ring through airports and foreign lands made me nervous for him. That just seems nuts.

Anyway, this post and posts in the future are not about myself, so I will end the announcement here and temporarily pass the reins over to the happy couple.

The writing team has risen to 5. Dools, Liska, Allie, Dan and myself, The Good Kid.

[I will try to add a pic of our new writers at a later time, or Dan can do so himself as I assume he will not like my choice.]

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