Sunday, January 3, 2010


The trip is now quite readily approaching with the January 5th departure date only two days away so I decided it would probably be a good time to start this blog. This is my first attempt in the blogging world, and I think it's likely that it will end upon my return to the US on January 21st. I'm not going to promise that it will be great or that I will post everyday but I'll try to update as regularly as possible, and hopefully Dooley will make some posts too.

I'm hoping and assuming that traveling with Dooley and having Elwood join us in Prague and host us in France should provide for plenty of stories. To start with, I'm hoping that Elwood and his 40 year old girlfriend will be waiting for us when we arrive in Lyon. (Fine she's 24 but she could pass for 40 easy) Also, several people have mentioned that we may not be able to recall some of the better things that happen due to our nightlife plans especially considering Dooley's goal "to black out more times than the number of days we're in Europe." (I'm not at all on board with hangovers every morning.) As a result, we will be attempting to bring a pen and some paper or a little notebook for the purpose of writing down what we deem are high points in the night regardless of how stupid we look doing it. Ideally, we'll be posting word for word everything our inebriated minds think up regardless of what those things are.

The basic plan for our trip is to go to Lyon, Munich, Prague, and finally Barcelona. Also, I wanted to take a few seconds to explain the title of this blog. I decided to go with the current title because of events after my last trip to Europe back in high school. Like any normal person I wanted to share some of the interesting things that happened with my friends. It led to relentless/ridiculous mocking from Stu Karaffa and especially Stojic that persists to this day. It is over 6 years later. I have mature friends. Therefore, this blog is entirely dedicated to Stojic to guarantee that I'm already off the hook for being mocked upon my return.

Hopefully I'll post on the departure day as my flight is not until 10:30PM.


  1. You should probably just write about Sweden the entire time.

    Also, regarding this line: "I'm not at all on board with hangovers every morning." I mean, c'mon, Tim. Seriously. I went on a forty mile bike ride around a lake after blacking out with Korean expats until 4 AM.

    We left at 7 in the morning.

  2. omfg i cat fucking wait! i will be checking for updates every 5 minutes!
