Monday, February 21, 2011

And we're back...

Alright everyone, the time has come, and the revival of this blog is upon us. I may have stated quite some time ago that this blog was dead and buried like JonBenet Ramsey, but apparently I just didn't have much foresight.

Moving on, the blog has new life, which means that I'm heading on a trip soon. I thought about updating this blog to include posts about the trip a group of us took to the Kohlstedt's condo in Beaver Creek, Colorado. Quite frankly, I wasn't sure how interesting those posts would be, although a post or two may have been warranted due to the fact that we were forced to drive because of the early February blizzard in Chicago and Mr and Mrs Kuphall came to drink with us one night. It led to some great times. With that said, I could sum it up pretty quickly and fully by saying we did a lot of skiing, snowboarding, and drinking. I'm sure Rudy posted about it here anyway. This blog will remain about travels outside America.

I have a terrible habit of momentary thoughts driving my writing off on tangents, but I think I might be able to focus on the trips at hand now. Yep, trips. Twist! The blog has doubled it's writing staff. Current authorized writers of this blog has risen to 2 as Scott Liska has been granted author access. I'm hoping Scott can live up to the high journalistic standards this blog prides itself on.

My Trip:

Leave for Santiago, Chile on February 24th and return on March 8th. I'll be traveling around Chile and Argentina.

Liska's Trip:

Liska will be heading to Portugal, France, and Ireland I believe. Not sure if there are other destinations or if those plans have changed, but he can address that later.

That will be the extent of my writing about Liska's trip on this blog as he will hopefully fill in the rest of the details with his own posts. It was Liska's idea to contribute to the blog and, I fully support it and hope there could be days with an update from both, say, Portugal and Argentina. Hopefully Liska follows up and makes some posts. He will be with Elwood at least part of the time though, so all bets are off.

I'm still uncertain of the exact details of my own trip, I just know that I will be arriving in Santiago and then taking a bus to meet Erin and Steph (both recently finished a similar teaching program to Elwood). Potentially destinations include Chiloe, Valdivia, and Santiago in Chile and Bariloche, Argentina.

No post would be complete without some reference to the ramblings of my mother. She has a very real fear that my blond hair will inevitably lead to my murder, and she hates my new pea coat. I'm crossing my fingers she's wrong on both, especially the latter. It would suck if I was wrong about this coat.

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