Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Signing On

Ok, here we go. This is my first ever blog post. I have rarely written for an audience and will preface this adventure by saying that I am nowhere near as witty (although some may say offensive) as Tim. I would also like to say that I am taking an approach totally foreign to me for this trip. Other than buying my ticket to Europe Elwood has essentially planned our entire trip…… joke.

Brief overview: Like Tim, my trip begins tomorrow (booked mine first by the way). First up is a day-long ski trip to Switzerland. From Lyon we will be traveling to (in order) Lisbon, Madrid, Rome, Dublin, and Paris. Like Tim’s trip some of the finer details are yet to be determined but in the words of Elwood, “why are you so worried about plans everything always works out”.

Things I’m most excited about: First, the food. According to Elwood Lyon is the food capital of France. He’s talked a big game and I’m hoping Lyon comes to play. Second, Rome/Vatican City. So much history so much culture. Thirdly, Guinness. If it's as good as everyone says it is in Ireland then Dublin is going to be a good time.

I’m not really worried about a whole lot but if Hollywood has taught us anything about French people it is that some cute guy will try to seduce me and sell me into some sex trafficking network. Lucky for me I’m pretty tight with an army ranger. So if you don’t hear from me for a few days call up Drake so he can go Liam Neeson on some fools.

That’s all for now. I’ll check in from the other side…of the pond that is.


  1. Great post! This blog is shaping up nicely. I can't wait to hear how Elwood has coordinated a cross-continent trip like this..

  2. The blogs are getting hot.

    "First up is a day-long ski trip to Switzerland."

    I don't know why but I cannot stop laughing at this. Even though I said I don't know why, here is a list of reasons:
    1) The ski trip would be in the French Alps, not the Swiss Alps. Probably a lack of communication from my end.
    2) Even if it were in Switzerland, you have made it sounds as if we are skiing from Lyon to Switzerland in a day, which sounds bold and unlikely, but it does have more potential than most plans to bring about a Forest Gump-driven exodus through Europe, this time on skis though.
    3) I guess just because the very first part of your overview was false.

    On another note, my blog better step up its game.

  3. Hey when you are in Dublin can you order a keg of Guinness shipped to my house in Paraguay? Just ship it to:

    Profesor Miguel, aka "blue eyed gringo"
    Paraguay, Caazapa, Close-ish to San Juan.
    (we don't have address numbers here).

    Or at least drink a guinness for me. Have a good trip boys.
