Friday, February 25, 2011

Lyon: Desole pour mon absence (sorry for my absence)

Bonjour, Comment ca va?

I made it. This post is coming to you from Elwood's apartment which has to have been built before America was founded. Thankfully no problems on the flight other than the miserable food which was compounded by the fact the whole meal was about the size of a decks of cards. Good thing I binged on Paul's and Chipotle before I left.

I arrived in Geneve, Switzerland at around 10:30....(fast forward this post restarting at 3:20 AM Lyon time) "Elwood's computer is dying and we are trying to figure out the power converter, "if it doesn't fit don't force it"( thats what she said). Just got back from the bars. Elwood's friends are so funny and have stories galore to tell about Danny.

Lyon is absolutely beautiful and tomorrow we are going to explore some of its sights. I am so exhausted from the long journey but I must say I toughed it out like a champ today and am looking forward to a nice long sleep tonight. Many more details/pictures to come tomorrow.



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